Sunday 30 April 2017

How to Loose Belly Fat In Just Few Days

How to loose belly fat has been a century long question with many,as this health problem is one associated with so many across the universe.
Belly fat has been an issue especially with men since civilization began,accumulated Fat located within the abdomen area is also known as visceral fat,and has been scientifically proven to be seriously harmful to one's health.This very type of fat has been associated with type 2 diabetes,  insulin resistance, heart disease and certain types of cancer among others.The worse of it all is that if left unchecked or neglected, it keeps accumulating to the extent you can't tell a difference between a belly fat and a pregnant woman.

Belly fat has become the number one scourge of our good health,self esteem and appearances,as it makes you have a sense of not belonging in our today world where slim,sexy and six pack belly is celebrated especially with the youth.

Do you know you can lose pounds of belly fat in a month, in a week or even a day? Of course YES!,it is very much possible if you can adhere to the health practices and tips layed down in this post.Truth is,its never easy but with discipline,perseverance and routine practice you will be amazed at how fast you will loose that belly fat.

Tips to Loose Belly Fat In Just Few Days

1.  Eat food rich in proteins : 
Proteins is the one food you can not minus from your daily dietary if you are interested in reducing both belly fat and over all body weight.After you have finished having a meal, some calories already stored in your body are utilized for the purpose of digesting and metabolizing the food.In the process of metabolizing protein, you burn more calories due to its high thermic effect.Among other food sources protein has earned the reputation of utilizing more calories for metabolism.Proteins work better than any miracle diet drug that has ever been known to man, they won’t mess up your body and you will happily keep eating them for the rest of your life without worrying about horrible side-effects of any sort.

See What Protiens Can Do For You :

  • Protein Increases your metabolic rate.
  • It helps you retain muscle mass during weight loss.
  • They have this ability to make you feel full thereby making you loose interest in taking in more food than you necessarily need.scientifically its defined as reducing hunger hormone and amplifies a couple of satiety hormones.
  • Maintaining a high protein intake will also help prevent weight regain and well as keep your body away from accumulating fat in the long term.

Do you want to experience the wonders protein can do to your body fat and calories,i have an exercise for.
Now go on a scale and weigh your current weight,make sure to write it down,next increase your daily protein intake to 40% ,dont reduce intake of other food after 5 days,weigh your weight again on a scale and write down your current weight.your will be amazed by how much significant weight you have lost over a short space of time.

Sources of protein include : 

  • Eggs.
  • Chicken 
  • Lean red meat without fats.
  • dairy foods low in fat such as cottage cheese, milk, and yogurts.
  • Beans Family (such as lentils, kidney beans, peas and soy beans).
  • Soy products such as tofu and soy milk.
  • fishes like mackerel, tuna, and sardines. 

There are many other high-protein foods not listed here that you can eat to boost your protein intake.

2.  Reduce or Stop Sugar Intake Alongside Canned Or Refined Food
You must have heard from different publications warning you of sugar intake,well it happens to be true and they are not trying to fool you into not doing the thing you enjoy but its a call for your own good.
Made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, sugar (or sucrose) is a carbohydrate. Sucrose is made up of two simpler sugars, namely fructose and glucose.The white granulated sugar go through a refining process which is why they are called "empty calories" because they give you no nutritional value. In addition, they are very addictive and would rob your body of energy and good health.
Excessive sugar intake has been linked to heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity,lowers immunity fatty liver disease and a host of others health related problems.Sugar contain fructose,which has been proven to be the mother of certain chronic diseases.The more sugar intake the more fat accumulated,so at all cost you should run far from sugar and refined food that are rich in calories.

Dangers of sugar intake :

  • Makes your body accumulate fat and rob you of the chances of getting slim
  • increases acidic level of your blood.
  • Rots your teeth.
  • major cause of osteoporosis.
  • Facilitates diabetes
  • Increases your blood sugar level
  • can cause gallstone
  • suppresses your immune system
  • contributes to ulcer and cancer
  • robs you of energy
  • weakens your eyesight
  • increases aging and wrinkling of the skin
  • promotes arthritis
  • contributes to eczema

i can go on and on, on dangers of sugar to your health more especially to your quest to loose belly fat.i will advice you strictly cut sugar off from your dietary if possible.

NOTE : There are other high carbohydrate foods that flood your body with fat,e.g Bread, rice, pasta and other simple carbohydrates,these foods are easily digested by the body thereby causing rapid in flow and supply of fat to the body.

3.Eat more fruits than drink fruit juice.

Don't ever think that drinking fruit juice is the same as eating fruit itself,The fiber contained in fruits and vegetables binds to the sugars they naturally contain and make them slower to digest,sa a result of this increase in metabolic rate they have less of an impact on blood-sugar and are far less likely to end up stored in your fat cells.
The juice you drink have had all its component fiber removed and as such have its sugar content produce same effect as the white granulated don't just squeeze out the juice in fruits and throw away the fiber,don't either go to buy refined fruit juice believing it same as taking the fruit itself.

See the benefits of fiber :

  • Help maintain healthy weight
  • reduces cholesterol
  • reduces constipation and diarrhea
  • keeps your Bowels and Colon healthy
  • reduces blood sugar
  • Risk of heart disease and Hemorrhoids are reduced drastically
  • keeps the skin healthy
  • reduces chances of stroke
  • help in cancer prevention
  • helps flushes your bowel making you feel lighter and healthier

The benefits of fiber can’t be over emphasized, and until you have met your daily requirements for fiber intake,you just can’t imagine how great you’ll feel.

4. Cook with coconut oil rather than fatty oil

Coconut oil is one of the healthiest fats you can possible eat.Studies have proven that the medium-chain fats in coconut oil boosts the body metabolism and decrease the amount of fat you store in response to high calorie intake,which is attributed to weight loss.Study have also proven that To boost belly fat loss, it’s best to take about 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of coconut oil per day.
Coconut oil has a number of health benefits such as hair care,skin care,weight loss, treatment of yeast infections, improving digestion and immunity against a host of other infections and diseases.

In conclusion,maintaining a healthy lifestyle usually pays off,its worth every bit of time,energy,effort and resources invested.You loose weight healthily,burn off annoying belly fats,increases overall body metabolism and so much more benefits ,way more than you can ever imagine even longevity.
As you practice all the tips outlined in this article,and maintain healthy nutritional habits,you will be shocked at the miracle it will perform in your life as a whole.Though not listed but very necessary,is reduction in alcohol intake as it can be a setback to your efforts in burning off unwanted fats.



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