Wednesday 12 July 2017

6 Health Risks Of Cellphone Usage You Must Not Ignore

Over the years,cellphones has made life quite easy and simpler but also have posed series of challenges to our well being both physically and mentally.Today you will learn a lot and understand the safest means to use your cellphone and not jeopardize your health at the long run.

Brief History Of Mobile Phones

On April 3, 1973,the company MOTOROLA introduced the very first mobile device,pioneered by its top researcher and executive  Martin Cooper.This very first device weighed a 1.1kg and measured in at 228.6x127x44.4mm, and you get to charge it for like 10 hours just to have a 30mins call time.So now you know the all fancy device you have in your hand was not all fancy from origin.
The Motorola DynaTAC 8000X was subsequently released In 1983,which costs $3995 and can only save 30 contacts.Now that's a whooping high price for a small gadget whose performance wasn't quite impressive.But back then it was a great break through to the telecommunications industry.

In conclusion,in just about 40 years ago from the moment the first mobile device was introduced till date,cell phone have had a rather rapid revolutionary scope from a hunk of cream-colored one-way plastic to the now sleek multi-purpose devices.

Does Cell Phone Benefits Out Weigh Dangers Associated With It?

Truth be told,the invention of cell phones is one of the best things that happened to humanity,its a must have,inevitable and you can help it.
The main feature of the cell phone that make it a high demand electronic gadget is the ‘instant access' which makes them the most exclusive devices for communication,leisure,surfing the net,multimedia and so much more.
But despite its huge importance to our everyday life,cellphones have been related to a series of health problems and complications and poses a treat to human lives and existence.

Now to answer the question above,well i don't think so.I have come to believe that the health risks and problems related to cell phone usage is simply because we are wanting too much of the good.lets take a quick look at few advantages and disadvantages of cellphones.


  • Communicating with Friends, Family, and Coworkers despite their location(except the moon of course)
  • Constant Internet Access
  • All-in-One Device(apps,camera,recorder etc)


  • Can Lead to Some Pretty Serious Accidents
  • Improper disposal of cellphones often leaves a toxic imprint on the environment.(due to lead, nickel, and beryllium components)
  • Reduces Real Human Interaction due to its engagements and addiction
  • Breach of Privacy and Security

Avoiding some of these disadvantages can be attainable if we apply a little caution and discipline with cellphone usage,like

  • Not isolating yourself from the people around you.
  • Not operating your phone while driving,biking or any other thing that require rapt attention.
  • Keeping them away from children
  • Using head piece with too loud music playing right into your ear.

1. Risk Of Cancer :
this particular health risk is one you must have heard or known of,but do you know that study shows that the electromagnetic radiation emitted by cellphones get absorbed in the skin tissues when we hold the phone for longer times.According to reports from world health organisation (WHO),cellphones emit radio frequency (RF) fields that is 1000 times greater than what is emitted from base stations.And Note that the International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified RF as a possible carcinogen in humans.Cancer is one ailment you can't even wish for an enemy,so try as much as you can to keep you phone as far away from you as possible if not in use.Similarly,study have shown that Children and teen are at higher risk of developing brain cancer from cellphone radiation than adults because their nervous systems are still developing.

2. Infertility : 
This one is particularly for men,little do you know that your phone which is your best friend can also lead to your doom,one you dread the most - INFERTILITY.
A research was carried out with rats,in which they where exposed to radiations emitted by cell phones,and it was observed that  cellphone radiation decreases sperm count in male rats.This also holds truth in humans as study shows that the group of men who used cellphones had a decreased sperm cell count in their semen,which subsequently leads to infertility.So you now see how dangerous that mobile device can harm even the very thing that makes you a man.

The golden rule is to keep the cellphone as far away from your testicles as possible,instead of dipping it into your side pocket,hold it,and instead of holding it,use your breast pocket.

3.Increased Anxiety:
Am guessing you are wondering how true this is.I will take the time to explain to you how,and you will relate it to you everyday life and see how far this goes to be true.
Just a No.2 is tailored at men,this particular health risk is more evident in teenagers or young adults.Teenagers rely mostly on texting for communication among peers especially the vigorous usage of social media,chats and messengers.Being their primary means of communication,it can also cause change of moods,increase anxiety and so.Though its not entirely all negative as it can also bring happiness and joy but focusing on the negative impact lets visualize this scenerio
 The instant reply by the friend can bring instant joy and happiness. But in case of delayed response or no response, this same pleasure turns into disappointment and sadness producing anxiety.
We all can relate to the feeling of not getting a response especially when you are desperate for one,sometimes you send loads of messages and if the the person at the other end ignores and never responds,you have these all negative feelings and thoughts race through your spines,it can be depressing too.
On another note,have you heard of  Teen Tendonitis (TTT)? Its a product of excessive texting,its symptoms are evident through pain in the hands, back and neck due to poor posture. It can equally lead to impaired vision and even arthritis as you advance in age.


  • curb the impulse of replying to text or chats.
  • moderate conversations on cellphones
  • Regulate the amount of time,energy and money spent on cell phones
  • Always take hold of your emotions.

4.Sleep Loss:
The main reason this health risk has been persistent is due to the fact that most people prefer using their phones as a bed companion.Most people keep their phones close by while sleeping in order to be able to respond to messages.Night time regular chatting actually leads to sleep disorder,ever wondered why you find it difficult to sleep at night?Major contributing factors to interrupted sleep pattern is getting awakened in the middle of the night due to cellphone rings and vibration,and increased use of cellphones through the evening until midnight also contributes to sleep loss..some times you end up using sleeping pills which over time has been known to have adverse medical effect.Its take s discipline to switch off your phone at night in order to have a good night sleep,the chat can wait till the morning.


  • Switch off your phone before bedtime
  • Get over the anxiety to respond to messages or chats at odd hours
  • Draw a sleep routine,that way you are more liable to keeping to it
  • Schedule your phone to automatic Off and On hour(usually late at nightsand early morning respectively)
  • Enforce discipline and prioritize your chats. 

5. Hearing impairment:
Study have shown that people who attended phone calls for approximately 2 hours on a daily bases were at a higher risk of hearing loss compared to those moderate users (10-20 mins).
These days you rarely concludes your day without noticing about 10 different people with an earphone on.the cellphones emitted electromagnetic field is a contributing factor to impaired hearing and you even make matters worse by using an earpiece with very loud music.Moderation in life is the key to sound living,so lets help ourselves for the sake of longevity.


  • Don't buy earpiece with very high sound output
  • Don't wear you earpiece for too long
  • adhere to warnings by your cellphones as you attempt to increase volume to maximum,dont ignore them.
  • Using hands-free headset can be beneficial as you can take call from your phone from 30 feet away thereby keeping you at safe distance from the phones radiations.
  • Sometimes make use of the in built loud speakers in your phones to take calls and listen to music.

6. Eye Problem : 
Do you know that the glaring screen and small font size put a lot of strain on your eyes,moreso when done in the dark?
Some can stare at their phones the whole day,maybe surfing the net,reading pdf files or e-books,playing game etc.Since the screen is small,text in cellphones are relatively small causing you to stare with your eyes wide open,and when this happens you blink less which results to irritation,dry eyes and reddening of the eye.For the safty of your eye,do the following:


  • Use your phones more in bright light than in the dark
  • Increase you phone fonts to reduce eye strain
  • Instead of Text e-book,you can revert to audio books which you also play with a stereo.
  • Adjust the lighting of your phone to moderate,i.e not too bright and not too dull.
  • Don't stare at your phone for too long,periodically take your eyes off for some minutes.

Some other health risks of Cellphone usage include :  
Heart problems



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