Here are 5 Shocking Reasons Why Milk Is Bad For Your Health
Milk has been a source of nourishment on earth for ages,as nutritionists advice diary milk intake in our dietary needs.Milk produced by herbivores(animals that eat grasses) have been the most widely accepted and ingested as it has this distinct nourishing taste.Cow's milk is believed to composed of
- 87.7% water
- 4.9% lactose (carbohydrate)
- 3.3% protein
- 3.4% fat
- 0.7% minerals
It is important to note that in the past,farmer allow their milking cow's enough time in graze a lot of fresh green grasses,this enable the animal replenish and reproduce lost milk.In contrast,milk production in industries today does not really follow this crude but efficient process rather cow's are feed grains,remember the body systems of these animals are built for the digestion of grass,when grains are used instead,the implications are
- More thirst
- More rumen (stomach) acidity
- Diluted milk and ruminal acidosis.
Industrial production don't give the animal required time to replenish as cows are inseminated just a few months after her previous birth.When cows produce milk for longer than one year, their immune systems are compromised and milk quality is diminished.This process is quite discomforting to these animal as it also forces the system to increase production of pregnancy-triggered estrogen in the milk supply.NOTE, Estrogen can fuel tumor growth.
To some this might be the first time you are learning about this disorder.When a patient is diagnosed with Lactose intolerance,its simply implies that your body system lacks the ability to produce the necessary enzyme required for the digestion of milk(lactose carbohydrate).So many suffer from this health disorder but are not well aware of it,Reports has it that about 60% of people in the world today suffer from this disorder and as such lack the enzyme(lactase) to properly digest cow's milk.Some evolutionary biologists strongly believe that people who have the ability to digest lactose were among groups whose ancestors were dairy farmers.
The high percentage of people suffering from this disorder is due to after about two years of age when we have stopped breast feeding,the body tends to stop the production of these enzyme needed for proper digestion of milk,and at such when you grow older and continue taking milk into the system,it leads to many complications like bloating and diarrhea within your digestive system.People suffering from asthma,constant headaches, fatigue, and digestive problems are hereby advised to cut out diary from their dietary needs if they hope for improvements in their health complications.
Its is true that at infant babies are given milk in order for them to have strong bones but according to a recent study in the British Medical Journal Among women, those who consumed three or more glasses of milk daily had a 60% increased risk for developing a hip fracture and a 16% increased risk for developing any bone fracture.According to the study in women, milk intake has in no way reduced the risk of fracture,therefore it was concluded that when it comes to Osteoporosis,Milk intake have in effect increased women chances of getting the disease.
To some this might be the first time you are learning about this disorder.When a patient is diagnosed with Lactose intolerance,its simply implies that your body system lacks the ability to produce the necessary enzyme required for the digestion of milk(lactose carbohydrate).So many suffer from this health disorder but are not well aware of it,Reports has it that about 60% of people in the world today suffer from this disorder and as such lack the enzyme(lactase) to properly digest cow's milk.Some evolutionary biologists strongly believe that people who have the ability to digest lactose were among groups whose ancestors were dairy farmers.
The high percentage of people suffering from this disorder is due to after about two years of age when we have stopped breast feeding,the body tends to stop the production of these enzyme needed for proper digestion of milk,and at such when you grow older and continue taking milk into the system,it leads to many complications like bloating and diarrhea within your digestive system.People suffering from asthma,constant headaches, fatigue, and digestive problems are hereby advised to cut out diary from their dietary needs if they hope for improvements in their health complications.
Its is true that at infant babies are given milk in order for them to have strong bones but according to a recent study in the British Medical Journal Among women, those who consumed three or more glasses of milk daily had a 60% increased risk for developing a hip fracture and a 16% increased risk for developing any bone fracture.According to the study in women, milk intake has in no way reduced the risk of fracture,therefore it was concluded that when it comes to Osteoporosis,Milk intake have in effect increased women chances of getting the disease.
according to experts
you're much better off getting calcium from dairy-free sources that don't carry all these risks. On average, we absorb only about 30 percent of the calcium found in milk, yogurt, and cheese; but we absorb twice the amount of calcium if we eat vegetables like broccoli, bok choy, spinach etc.
Breast cancer (for women) and prostates cancer(for men) have been strongly linked with high intake of meat and dairy foods.Its best to eat healthy and as well stay healthy,Milk intake should be reduced to the least minimum or possibly cut off from our daily dietary as study have indicated that milk does you more harm than good.
Dairy consumption has been linked with type 1 diabetes,cardiovascular diseases, Parkinson’s disease and cancers. Scientists don’t really know if this is specifically because of the composition of dairy fat, casein.Casein is a protein found in cows milk,and has been associated to different forms of cancer, with strong link for lymphoma, thyroid cancer, prostate cancer, and ovarian cancer.This is the more reason why milk is bad for your health.
you're much better off getting calcium from dairy-free sources that don't carry all these risks. On average, we absorb only about 30 percent of the calcium found in milk, yogurt, and cheese; but we absorb twice the amount of calcium if we eat vegetables like broccoli, bok choy, spinach etc.
Breast cancer (for women) and prostates cancer(for men) have been strongly linked with high intake of meat and dairy foods.Its best to eat healthy and as well stay healthy,Milk intake should be reduced to the least minimum or possibly cut off from our daily dietary as study have indicated that milk does you more harm than good.
Dairy consumption has been linked with type 1 diabetes,cardiovascular diseases, Parkinson’s disease and cancers. Scientists don’t really know if this is specifically because of the composition of dairy fat, casein.Casein is a protein found in cows milk,and has been associated to different forms of cancer, with strong link for lymphoma, thyroid cancer, prostate cancer, and ovarian cancer.This is the more reason why milk is bad for your health.
Adulteration of raw milk can lead to unacceptable amounts of chemicals and their residues in our milk supply, and consequently pose a potential threat to human health.Products from dairy has been linked with high intake of toxins into the body due to the certain manufacturing process they undergo.These toxins(DIOXINS) don't readily leave the body system,therefore continuous accumulation of these toxins in the system over time can affect the reproductive, immune and the central nervous system as well as increase risk of cancerous cell within the body.People don't really need milk,its good for children but makes adults malnourished.Its high time you understand the fact that milk is bad for your health as an adult,if you must take milk then look for non dairy-milk.
Adulteration of raw milk can lead to unacceptable amounts of chemicals and their residues in our milk supply, and consequently pose a potential threat to human health.Products from dairy has been linked with high intake of toxins into the body due to the certain manufacturing process they undergo.These toxins(DIOXINS) don't readily leave the body system,therefore continuous accumulation of these toxins in the system over time can affect the reproductive, immune and the central nervous system as well as increase risk of cancerous cell within the body.People don't really need milk,its good for children but makes adults malnourished.Its high time you understand the fact that milk is bad for your health as an adult,if you must take milk then look for non dairy-milk.
High consumption of milk has been associated with increased chances of having Parkinson disease especially in men,possibility is dramatically high as studies taken on a group of men have proved.So if you take your health seriously then you should stay away from milk and look for alternatives.Some alternative include:
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