Sunday 9 July 2017

How To Make A Mind Blowing Speech Or Presentation

When we talk about how to make a speech,the first things that comes to mind is how to impress your audience with a mind blowing speech and as well convey the intended message in mind or on paper.In other words it is known as PUBLIC SPEAKING.
Public speaking is simply defined as the process or act of performing a speech to a live audience.Which can also be called oratory or oration.Most people require considerable time and constant practice before they can confidently talk in front of an audience.
To make a successful and outstanding speech depends largely on our attitude and mental coherence,some make a lousy or boring presentations not because they don't have a great content or idea but in most cases,failure to deliver an outstanding speech has been attributed to the manner in which the speech was presented.


History has it that speech making was founded out of philosophy,because way back 2000+ years ago great founding fathers of philosophy PLATO and Aristotle,the then SOCRATES where among the greatest in making presentations,and taught their students such that they can represent in certain crucial areas like law, economics and politics.Athens was the world power once politics and philosophy is concerned and as such,speech and presentation was vital to excelling in those fields.
Greece and Rome with the help of Socrates trained its citizens in the art of public speaking in order to participate efficiently in the society.
Aristotle identified the basic elements of good speech,and noted that every speaker is known for its credibility,followed by the clarity and validity of the idea he is passing,then emotional appeals which plays a vital role in connecting the speaker and his audience through stratagic persuasiveness.
We can also talk about Marcus Tullius Cicero,who during the first century BC rose to power as an orator, lawyer, politician, and philosopher in the ancient Roman world dominance.Some of the greatest men in the art of public speaking and presentations are  Abraham Lincoln,Martin Luther King,Charles De Gaulle (Hitler),John Knox,John Calvin,Barrack Obama,Edmund Burke,Daniel O'Connell,Henry Gratten etc.


You might be wondering what i mean by the "inner game".Its has to deal with those background attributes in which you have to acquire or put in check in order to effectively deliver  that mind blowing speech or presentation.They are more like the foundation,the mental state or the fore-hand qualities that must be in place before the skill of how to make a speech is acquired.Below am going to outline 3 necessary inner game attributes required :

1. Develop A Sense Of Freedom :
To some,making a public speech is their worse nightmare,having to stand in front of thousands of peers,superiors and judges,the dreaded fear of embarrassing oneself in front of their classmates or colleagues. Let me break it to you, the audiences can rarely detect anxiety in a speaker,It seems much worse to you than your listeners,Look confident, even if you don’t feel it..So always have this sense of freedom like you are discussing with a friend,this is very effective because if you can make your mind believe you are speaking with a group of friends,then you will not have to worry about what others are thinking about you at that moment.Once this is achieved you eradicate fidgeting and shaky hands.

2. Believe In Yourself :
This is the part where confidence comes in play.Building confidence cannot be done in a day,its not a not an automatic response,but over time with practice you become a champion.
Start off with the mirror,then gather a group of friends and make a speech giving them the option to score you.then expand to more larger group,maybe in class room,ask and answer questions.Once you notice you have overcome the pressure on any group advance to a higher gatherings like in church,social events,seminars,and other events that involves crowds.
The truth is usually at first,you might feel nervous,its okay to be nervous so expect it and then overcome it.

3. Paint A Mental Picture:
The mind is the greatest tool to having a success in this regard as much as it is the greatest tool to your doom.Before you mount the stage paint a mental picture of what you,PICTURE SUCCESS!
This technique works 100% of the time just as the saying goes,"what you see is what you become",don't ever let fear of failure or disgrace slip into your mind instead visualize yourself being loved and admired by your audience,generally rest your mind on positive vibes and you will be shocked at the wonders of the mind. Delet the following from your mind

  • People will laugh at me
  • I’ll forget my next point
  • I’ll be boring
  • People will see how nervous I am
  • I’ll freeze and won’t be able to answer people’s questions


Researches have proven that the number one thing people fear the most apart from death is public speaking.Being asked to prepare and give a speech can seem very intimidating especially when you've never done it before.That is the main reason for this article,to show you how to make that speech.


1. Make Adequate Preparations
Preparations is one aspect of life that is always associated with success.Preparation is required in just about everything you do and giving a speech is one that requires adequate preparations.The biggest question here is,"how do you prepare?" Stand up and walk around as you practice out loud. Don’t memorize your speech or practice it word for word. become one with the speech you are about to present. Furthermore: 

  • Plan Your Speech
  • Choose a single focused topic and related sub topics
  • Research on the topics
  • Write the Speech
  • Compose One Sentence That Clearly States Your Purpose(Topic)
  • Practice the Speech over and over

2. Put Things In Order
putting things in other does not apply only to your materials,you have to put yourself in order too.How do you achieve this

  • Dress appropriately
  • Look in a mirror before you go onstage
  • Make sure that you have all of your materials in order
  • Have a glass of water to moisten your throat

3. Breathing Exercise
Do you know you can experience calmness through the way you breath,now the trick is :
Just before you mount the stage and begin speaking,take three slow, deep breaths through your nose, filling your belly. As you breathe out, say silently to yourself, “Relax.I Am In Control”.


Starting with a smile is a huge plus,because that way you build rapport with your listeners and they will in turn reward you with warmness.
Your facial expression plays a crucial role too, key points are properly conveyed with your facial expressions.Being persuasive and convincing has a lot to do with your facial expressions.
Be sure to maintain a good posture,Stand up straight,Avoid placing your hands on your hips and appear rooted as these indicates confidence and high self esteem.

2. Make Eye Contact
Making eye contacts can be engaging,make eye contact with as many people as possible thereby looking as if you’re interested in them.Move your eyes around your audience so that everyone feels included in the speech.If the eye contact is too intense for you to handle, just look above their heads.Its important you spend more time looking at the audience than your speech paper.

3. Maintain A Slow And steady Pace

Breath normally and talk slowly,one word at a time,n front of your audience you may experience a natural adrenaline rush that will make you want to speak much too quickly,Always remember to pause,relax and be in control.The watch word is : ALWAYS TAKE IT SLOW.

4. Pause Mechanisms

In other to main your pace and not loose cool,you must employ some pause mechanism while you speak. Speaking slowing shows great deal of relaxation,so take your time and pause periodically.Also eradicate the Um's & Ah's they are tools than comes in handy in undermining your quality and regard on stage. So avoid them at all cost.

5. If Things Go Wrong,Simply Laugh It Over  

NO need getting stuck at the middle of your speech and then dwell there in shame,a laugh at your blunder can be relieving and signifies you are in control.Or if at a point you forgot your speech then simply skip to your vote of thanks,bow and leave the stage.Never ever try to mumble,or look at the roof in an attempt to remember.

I believe now that you have been empowered with the necessary tools on how to make a maind blowing speech or presentation.Go out their and have your name written in the stars.



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